Martin Luther King Jr. hand out in front of the crowd

On this day, on Martin Luther King day, we honor the brilliance, the intellect and the knowledge of Dr. Martin Luther King . This is what a great American looks like

Anchors are link tools that help your visitors jump to specific spots on a page. For example, you could create a list of content items at the top of a page and then have a visitor click one of these links to jump directly to the content farther down on the page. This helps eliminate scrolling on very long Web pages, which is convenient and time-saving.

To do this, go to the page you want to edit and then click "Edit."
You will be directed to this page and then see the WYSISWG editor, or the "What You See is What You Get" text editor.
Enter the text that will be clicked on and linked to a section further down on the page. In this example, I typed in the month of "January" and listed a couple of other months as well. I also listed the months below with the information that would correspond to each anchor link to demonstrate.
Next, click on the HTML button. This button will show the code for the page. Don't worry, it can be a little intimidating at first, but the next set of steps will give you the information you need to make sure your anchor links work!
After clicking the button, you will be directed to a window that looks like this:
Let's say I would like to link the February information first. I am going to be working on editing the HTML box to add the anchor links.
First find where February is listed at the top of your list. We now have to tell this text that it will be linked to "something." This being the information below. After the <p> which indicates a paragraph, we will need to type in "<a href="#February</a>. "A href" basically specifies where and what it will link to and the pound sign, or hash tag, signifies an anchor link.
Now, we need to identify the information that it will link to by giving it an "id." On the section for February, let's add the following code: Open up the paragraph tag and add a space, "id="February">. It will look like this:
Press "Insert."
You will that "February" is now in blue text and has become a link. Save or preview your changes and now click on "February." Ta-da! The page will jump to the section!

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