We have come up with a few definitions that we hope will be helpful during the project process. This dictionary was created with you in mind, to prevent misunderstandings and give you a better grasp in conversation when discussing you Tendenci website and the tools involved.
We will continue to add to this glossary to provide better and more definitions. If you have a specific term in mind, don't forget about the Find Tool (ctrl + F). You'll be able to find the knowledge you want quickly and efficiently.
CAPTCHA: CAPTCHA is a type of challenge-response test used in computing. It's designed to ensure that responses are not generated by a computer. CAPTCHA asks the user to complete a simple test which the computer generates and grades. Typically, the computer asks the user to type in the symbols seen in the image.
CMS Pages: Tendenci uses content management systems (CMS) software that allows you to create, edit and publish content real-time. CMS pages are created when you add articles, releases, jobs, directory listings, navigation pages, etc.
Content: Fresh, unique, HTML. Everything that goes on your site is content. Every piece of writing, every image and every video is considered content. Ex: articles, help files, etc.
Domain Name: Domain names identify particular web pages. Ex: www.schipul.com
Footer: The footer is the linked text that appears at the bottom of every page on your site.
Header: The header is the top section of every page on your site. Typically, site headers contain the client's logo, a headline and sometimes graphics. It can vary per page and per site.
Images: An image is a graphic. You can upload images to CMS pages through the WYSIWYG editor or files module. Another option is to link to images through your content.
Links: Links are references to other sections on your site, documents or other web sites. Links include references to PDFs as well.
Module: Modules are Tendenci features. Items under modules can be edited, added, searched and viewed.
Navigation: The Navigation Bar (Nav for short) enables users/visitors to locate the information they are seeking. The top navigation items are typically a list of available site pages that are accessed most commonly or that the website's company wants you to see and attend to.
OPML: OPML stands for Outline Processor Markup Language. OPML was created in file format (for easy sharing) for an outliner application. It's been adopted to share lists of RSS feeds (web feeds) between web feed
Read More about OPML.
RSS Feeds: Really Simple Syndication allows site users/visitors to view your site content from RSS readers (a.k.a.
aggregators) such as Bloglines, Google Reader, etc.
Templates: Tendenci templates are already-made web site designs used to build your website. They're pre-set designs which you can customize if need be.
Tendenci Dashboard:After you log into your site, you will see the Tendenci Console home page. The console has links to all Tendenci modules.
URLs: URLs are internet addresses. A URL contains an access protocol (http://), a domain name (
www.schipul.com) and contain a path to a file or another page inside the site (.com/industries/).
WYSIWYG Editor:What You See Is What You Get. Along with the content management system, we use the WYSIWYG editor. With this editor, site administrators can edit/format pages on the site and publish these changes real time.
That's all the definitions for now! We hope this was helpful!