Martin Luther King Jr. hand out in front of the crowd

On this day, on Martin Luther King day, we honor the brilliance, the intellect and the knowledge of Dr. Martin Luther King . This is what a great American looks like

This Help File will walk you through the Directories Module Settings so you can set-up and start using Tendenci's Directories Listings features.  Before you begin using Directories, you'll want to update the settings for the module to match your organization's policies.  The settings is also where you determine if you'll be charging for Directory Listings and if so, what payment methods you can accept on your website. 

Locating the Directories Module Settings

There are 2 methods to locating your Directories Settings Page to edit and update.  Both options require that you are logged in as a Superuser in order to access and change the settings.

1) In your web browser's url bar, enter 

2) Navigate to the "Content" dropdown menu in your Blue Superuser Top Bar Menu and click on the Widget Icon next to Directories, as shown in this screenshot:



Configuring Your Directories Module

Configuring the Directories Module settings is really easy.  Here is an explanation, with screenshots, of each of the different settings. 

Directories admin notice recipients

Enter the email address of the person who will receive a notification anytime a new Directory listing is added or an existing Directory listing is deleted.  You may enter multiple email addresses, separated by a comma. (example:,, To change the email(s) in this field, simply click on the text box and add, edit, and delete the text as appropriate. 


Directory Payment Types

If you are going to charge for your directory listings, you'll update this setting with the payment methods accepted.  You can separate each method by a comma.  For example, if you will accept cash, check and credit cards you'd enter:

credit card, cash, check 



This setting enables or disables the Directories Module.  The module is enabled by default, however you can select "false" on the dropdown menu to disable the module. 



By default, Tendenci uses the label "Directories" for this module.  You can customize the name that your site visitors will see on the tabs and the Directory Listings Search View by changing this field to something else.  We encourage you to use the Label to customize the look and feel of content on your website to match your organization.  Some ideas you can use in addition to Directories include "Partner Organizations", "Corporate Partners", "Community Bussinesses".  


Label (Plural)

Label (Plural) is simply the plural name of the module that you could use if you customized the name to something other than Directories.


**Note - Label and Label (Plural) will only change the label of the Directories Module to site visitors and users.  When you go to your Blue Superuser Top Bar Menu or Superuser Panel, you will still see the module called Directories despite any custom label changes you make here. **

Members Can Add Directories

This setting gives you the option to allow or disallow members to add directories themselves.  To allow members to add directories, select the setting "true" from the dropdown menu.  Members can then add directory listings themselves.  The directory listings would still require approval and the person(s) who are designated to receive email admin notifications for directories would receive an email notifying them of pending directories to be approved.  


Requires Payment

This setting determines if directoy listings require a payment.  You can select "true" to require ALL directory listings to require payment.  Leave the setting to the default "false" if all or some of your directory listings will be free. 


Root URL

This setting lets you customize the URL for directories.  By default, directory listings and module pages go to  Customize this field to change the "directories" after


Run Renewal Reminders

If you select "true" for the Run Renewal Reminders setting, then Tendenci will send an email reminder to the user, (using the email of the person listed as the contact on the listing), who submitted the directory listing when the listing is close to expiring.  


Users Can Add Directories

This setting allows registered site users, (non-members who have a login), to add directory listings.  Select "true" to enable users to add listings.  User-submitted directory listings will still require approval and Tendenci will email the Directories Module admin an email with information and the link to approve each new directory listing submitted. 


Once you've updated all of the Directories Module settings, click the "update settings" button to save your changes.  You're now ready to start adding directory prices and listings to your Tendenci website. 

Did this Help File answer your question?  If not - email your question to our support team or visit our Tendenci Forums for more help!

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