Martin Luther King Jr. hand out in front of the crowd

On this day, on Martin Luther King day, we honor the brilliance, the intellect and the knowledge of Dr. Martin Luther King . This is what a great American looks like

Tendenci's software creates an event Roster for each of your events that has a list of event registrants and important information about your attendees to help you manage your events more easily. Here's the help file on how to find and print your Event Roster for your next event! 

** Things to Note ** 

You must have advanced permissions access to manage events, either by logging into your Super User account or having a Super User grant you permission to the Events Module. 

There's nothing in this help file that will tell you how to get the physical printer in your office printing this roster due to connectivity/interoperability issues because we just can't predict what printer you're using with what PC/MAC/Mobile device. If you get stuck with this step then please contact your preferred IT guy or contact support (billable hourly rate for support services will apply). 

You need to have created an event and at least one person needs to have registered for that event before you'll see any contacts on your Event Roster. 

Step 1) Find the Event Roster

1) Navigate to the Event Details Landing Page that you need the roster for. This will have a URL that looks something like: where the "#" represents numeric digits for that event. This could look like /events/2 or /events/4223. 

2) Click on the "Events" tab menu to drop down the list of options and settings available for managing this and other events. Scroll down to the "This Event" section.

3) Click on "Roster Report" to see the event roster. Here's a screenshot of an example Roster:


From here, you'll find tools to filter, search, and sort your event registrants. You can also view important details at a glance in the Roster such as who's paid and who has an outstanding balance, guests of registrants details, any special comments, and more.


Step 2) Print the Event Roster

There are different ways to print the Event Roster, depending on how you would like to view the roster.

  1. Web Browser: Depending on your web browser of choice, you'll have different ways to find and print the roster. Here are the two most common methods for sending a print page request to your printer:
    1. You can navigate to the "File" option - great for Firefox or Safari users, to find the Print option for the page:

      Select the "landscape" layout option for the optimal print format when your printer's options come up

      Follow your on-screen instructions to print copies of the Roster. 

    2. Depending on your computer, if it is Windows or Apple (MAC) the keyword changes. Go to the event roster you would like to print. Once there, on your keyboard, click the keys ctrl and P for Windows (for Apple click on command and P)   
      Event Roster Print Web Site
      The pop-up window may differ depending on the web browser being used, but the process is the same. Similar to the process before, in the destination drop-down, you can download the roster as a PDF file or select a printer to obtaining the document. For a better view of the roster, in the layout dropdown select Landscape. 

  2. Excel Download: Tendenci provides the option to download the event roster using Excel file, to be specific Xlsm. There are filters that can be applied to these downloads, depending on the filter applied is the information that will appear in the Excel sheet. At the bottom of the roster sheet you will find these filters: 
    Event Roster Paid Non Filter Filter

              1) Show only paid -
     only show the registrant that has paid for the event.
              2) Show only non-paid - only show the registrant who havent paid or still owes.  
              3) Show total - show all the registrants (paid and non-paid).

    When selecting a filter, you can see the download link under the event title change depending on the filter selected. For example: if we select the Show Only Paid, the download link will say "Export Only Paid Registrants":
    Event Roster Export Filter paid

    This will also happen if you select the other two options Show only non-paid or Show Total

Step 3) Bonus Roster Tips 

  1. Comments about special requests and dietary restrictions are included on the Event Roster, so you can print it and share it with your venue's coordination team and anyone who needs to handle the meals and seating arrangements. 
  2. Print multiple copies of the Roster for your team at the event's sign-in/registration desk. As people arrive, you can "check-in" your guests with a pen or pencil, then go back to your website Roster and collaborate with the individual Rosters to mark Guests as having attended on your website. This will help track who's attending your events and who couldn't make it out. 
  3. Better yet - use tablets or laptops with Wi-Fi at your event's registration desk and check in your guests through Tendenci's Event Roster online. You can have a team of volunteers checking in people, all logged in with their own user accounts and checking in guests live during the event to save time. 



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