Martin Luther King Jr. hand out in front of the crowd

On this day, on Martin Luther King day, we honor the brilliance, the intellect and the knowledge of Dr. Martin Luther King . This is what a great American looks like

This help file explains how to get to your Events Module Settings to edit them and explains the different settings options.  Before you begin adding Events to your Tendenci Website Events Calendar, you'll want to head to the Events Module Settings and set them for your organization.  You will also want to edit the Events settings when you have new staff or volunteers that will be managing your Events Calendar and Registrations on the website. 

Locate Your Events Module Settings

There are 2 methods to locating your Events Settings Page to edit and update.  Both options require that you are logged into your site and have the designated permissions in order to access and change the settings.

1) In your web browser's url bar, enter 

2) Navigate to the "Apps" dropdown menu in your Superuser Top Bar Menu, click on 3.Events, and finally, you can click on either Calandar or Event List  Widget. Once in the module, click on the Events tab on the Superuser Top Bar Menu and click on Settings.


Configuring Your Events Module Settings

Configuring the Events Module settings is really easy.  Here is an explanation, with screenshots, of each of the different settings. 

Admin Emails

Enter the email address of the person who will receive a notification anytime a new Event is added an existing Event is deleted, and when people register for events.  You may enter multiple email addresses, separated by a comma. (example:,, To change the email(s) in this field, simply click on the text box and add, edit, and delete the text as appropriate. 


Anonymous Event Registration

By changing the Anonymous Event Registration setting, you can control how people can register for their events. There are 3 options for this setting: open, validated and strict.The default value for existing sites is strict and the default value for new sites is open.

a) Open – Allows people registering for events to choose any price for themselves and their guests.

b) Validated – Allows people to see all prices when registering, but they will need to enter a valid email address for each price to check that they qualify. They do not have to be logged in, and they can register guests using the guests' email addresses.

c) Strict – Requires people to be logged in to register. The rest is the same as the validated. Allows people to see all prices when registering, a valid site user email address for each price to check that they qualify. They can register guests using the guests' email addresses.


Anonymous Member Pricing Enabled

This setting controls whether event registrants can register guests at a different pricing level than their own.  If you set this to true, your event registrants can register other members and guests at members-only pricing.  If set to false, your event registrants can only register guests at the same price they are paying.  


Chapter or Committee Leaders Can Adjust Registration Invoices for Their Events

If turned on, it allows chapter or committee leaders to adjust the registration invoices for the events that are associated with their chapter or committee group.

Event Setting Committee or Chapter adjust price

Custom Registration Form Enabled

You can select to use custom event registrations forms for your events.  This setting will enable or disable the use of custom event registration forms.  Be aware that when you use custom event registration forms that not all of your custom form fields will be included on Event Rosters and Event Reporting.  Only fields that are part of the standard Event Registration form will be on these items with a few exceptions. For more information regarding Custom Registrations for Events you can visit Set-Up Custom Event Registration Forms.



This setting enables or disables the Events Module.  Setting it to "false" will disable the module and "true" enables the module. 


Event Registration Requires Member ID for Member Pricing

Every member when registered is given an ID in their account. If this event is very strict with their participants and organization, by enabling this feature you can ask the members identification number to register for the event with a special members only pricing.


Events Can Use Third Party Payment

Tendenci also supports third party intergrations, but if you would like to use an outside payment software or website, you can set up a link that will redirect the user registering to the event to that payment page. THis feature once enabled will appear when creating an event.

Event Settings Third Party Payments

Member ID Pricing

The member ID Pricing setting allows site visitors who are not logged in to register for an event and use their member ID to register at members-only pricing.  "False" disables this setting and "true" enables it.  You must also have anonymous member pricing enabled (set to "true") in order for the member ID pricing setting to take effect.  


Minimal Event Add Enabled

If you enable (set to true) the minimal event add setting, your registered site users and members can suggest events to add to your Events Calendar.  You'll receive a notification for new events submitted for approval and once approved, the event will be added to your site's calendar.  


Notify Registrants Who Abandoned Payments

When this notifications is enabled, it will send an email to the user who did not complete the payment process.

Event Module Settings Notify Registrants Who Abandoned Payments

 Show Grid View for List View

There are three ways to view your events: calandar; view your events in a calandar set by dates, list view; your events will be viewed one under the the other by order of date (this can be filtered), and grid view; view your events in a table layout. This grid view only effects the event list view, it is to say that the only place that this setting will take effect is in the event list page.

 Show Radio Buttons to the Event Pricing List

This permits users or members to directly select a pricing option from the events page instead of proceeding to the pricing information.

Use Dropdown for State Field

This chages the text box for the State Field to a drop down where you select the state instead of inserting it or typing it down.

Validate Primary Registrant Only

This permits the user to only enter one registrant information, not all the registrant information need to be filled.

Event Settings Validate

When to Send Notice to Registrants Who Abandoned Payments

Setting the dates for the abandoned payments notifications is important. To add the days just write the days that the notification will be sent out. For example: if you write 1,2,3 it will send a notification 1 day after the registration, then two days after registration, and 3 days after registration.


After you've adjusted your Events Module Settings, just click the "Update Settings" button Update_Settings_Button.png to save your settings and you are done!


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