1. Go to https://www.mailgun.com/

2. Click on "Try Mailgun Now"


3. Complete the form to register https://mailgun.com/signup

4. Once you have activated your account and logged in click on "Add Domain"



5. Add your domain.

You can read more about picking a domain for your account here: https://help.mailgun.com/hc/en-us/articles/202256730-How-do-I-pick-a-domain-name-for-my-Mailgun-account


6. Once you enter your domain you'll be taken back to the control panel window. From here, click on your domain name to the right of the Unverified button


7. The resulting page will give you information about your domain and information to verify your mailing account.

8. Copy the information in "Domain Information". You will need this information to configure Mailgun on your site.


9. If you host your Tendenci site on your own server, you'll want to complete the following in your Tendenci Site.

If your site is hosted by Tendenci, please email "Domain Information" to us and we'll complete the configuration in step 9.


On your Tendenci site, open the local_settings.py located inside <project_directory>/conf/ . Add these codes to the file.

EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.mailgun.org'

Note that you need to replace the proper value of EMAIL_HOST_USER and EMAIL_HOST_PASSOWORD with the domain credentials
you obtained from mailgun website. These are default SMTP login and default password from "Domain Information" respectively. To make sure that everything
is working on the setup you made run a test via shell.
python manage.py shell
>>> from django.core.mail import send_mail
>>> send_mail('MailGun works great!', 'It really really does.', 'tester@YOURHOST.com', ['YOUREMAIL@somehost.com'], fail_silently=False)

The commands above should send an email to YOUREMAIL@somehost.com if everything is set up correctly.


10. You'll also want to scroll down on the page to Domain Verification & DNS



11. To input the information on this page you will have to log in to your domain provider. This would be a company like DNSPark or GoDaddy. If you don't know where your Domain is registered you can find out by inputting your domain here: https://www.godaddy.com

12. Login to your domain provider and input the MX and cname records listed on Mailgun.

13. To debug any issues sending newsletters, go into your site directory and run 

python manage.py send_newsletter NEWSLETTER_NUMBER

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