Tendenci can post Emergency Announcements to the top of your site.
This funtionality is only for site admins or superusers.
Log in, go to the Quick Links tab in the blue admin bar and select "Admin Backend"
Then, click on "Emergency Announcements" or "Add" (this will take you directly to add an announcement page).
This will take you to a list of current Announcements.
Click on the blue "Add Emergency Announcement" button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen:
Here is where you will add all of the information for your Announcement. Label your announcement in the "Title" field. Fill in the "Content" box with the annluncement. You'll need to make sure the text is centered and enlarged so it appears visibily on the homepage.
You can add different designs and colors by using the menu on top. The default text is red but it can be adjusted by clicking on:
By clicking on the left A, you will change the text color and when you click on the rght A, it will change te background.
After finishing your annoucement, click the "Enabled" checkbox to activate your annoucement.
If this message is only to your members, then click on the check box "Public can view". This permission is automatically checked when you first create the announcement.
Remember to always click on the "Save" button in the bottom right-hand corner.
Once your announcement is live, you can access it through the Admin Backend anytime for editing.
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