Tendenci's open source format gives you access to the core templates within Tendenci. This allows you to make revisions to the pages in your site that come with Tendenci to add additional text and or graphics specific to your organization.
1. Go to Quick Links>Theme Editor.
2. Scroll down on the page past the templates until you see the button to Customize More Templates. This gives you access to all the templates that are "core" to Tendenci5. (Hooray for open source!)
3. Drill down to the template you want to customize. Click to copy this to your editable area.
4. Look for the file in the templates area of your Theme Editor.
5. Then edit the page coding to meet your needs.
Since these are core to Tendenci, if you completely mess up the page while making your revisions, you can delete the copy from your template list and revert to using the core templates.