Martin Luther King Jr. hand out in front of the crowd

On this day, on Martin Luther King day, we honor the brilliance, the intellect and the knowledge of Dr. Martin Luther King . This is what a great American looks like

I need payment up front so I can order the right amount of food!

When setting up registration for an event, you can choose payment options and select whether payment is required.

If 'Payment required' is NOT CHECKED 

The roster shows all registrants in the seat count and splits these into paid and unpaid options.

This gives the coordinator a chance to follow up with non-paid registrants prior to the event and confirm they are coming and/or remind them payment in advance is required.


If 'Payment required' is CHECKED

The registrar does not include unpaid registrants in the seat count. If a person submits their registration but abandons payment, the registered/available counts on the event screen will not change. 

Someone who registered but did not pay could lose their seat; if they try to pay after all the seats are gone, they will be blocked. 



Accepting a credit card payment after registration

If they do want to attend and pay online, they can use the invoice link either from their registration email or from their profile.  


Abandoned Payment 

The roster will show paid vs unpaid guests.  This allows you to follow up with someone who had good intentions but then due to lack of attention or computer issues, didn't complete the online payment process. If you contact them and they are not interested in attending, you can cancel their registration and this removes them from the roster. Be sure to also void their invoice. All of these options are directly available from the roster report.

The Automatic notification feature is now available in T11 sites, and is controlled in your event settings.

Set to true if you'd like guests who abandoned payment to be notified automatically.

Abandoned pay notification




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