Martin Luther King Jr. hand out in front of the crowd

On this day, on Martin Luther King day, we honor the brilliance, the intellect and the knowledge of Dr. Martin Luther King . This is what a great American looks like

The Stories module is an extremely flexible feature that allows you to add updates to your website (on the homepage, sidebar, etc.) to display announcements or events you want to showcase. Typically Stories are used within a homepage rotator on your site.

Each Tendenci template or custom design site uses Stories a little differently - these are general instructions for how to add stories to your site.

Example Homepage Stories Rotator

Tendenci Stories Module Rotator GIF 

Instructions & Screenshots: Using the Stories Module

1. Log in as a superuser and click on "Apps" which is located in your Admin Navigation Menu. Under "Content" select "Stories".

Tendenci Admin Navigation Menu Screenshot

2. Again, in the admin navigation menu, click on "Stories" and from the dropdown menu select "Add Story". Example:

Screenshot Stories Admin Dropdown Menu

Stories Add

Screenshot Stories Add Tendenci Stories Module


What the story is called. This is the text that will appear on your site.


A summary or synopsis of your story goes here. The length of this text will vary based on how much space your stories take up on your site. It is best to keep this short and link to more information somewhere else on your site via a blog post, event page, announcement, article, etc.


This field is optional. Some sites will allow pictures to be posted along with the title for the story; use the photo field if you prefer it or if your site allows it. If you would like to remove or change a photo you have already added, there is a "Remove current image" box underneath the photo field you can check. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save Story Changes" and it will remove/replace the old image.

Full Story Link

This is where the link to your blog post, event page, announcement, article, etc. goes.

Link Title

(Optional) Use the field to label your link. Ex: Upcoming Event for Organization


If this is set up in your template, the tags field allows you to send your new story to a specific location on your site. For instance, some sites have tags like "sidebar" "rotator" or "homepage" that indicate where the story should pull in. If your site only has one rotator where stories can pull in, you may not need to add a tag to have it displayed.

Screenshot of Tags for Tendenci Stories Module

Example of client using tags 

Screenshot Tendenci Client Stories Module

If you have any questions about how stories tags are set up on your website, please contact Tendenci Support at


Start Date/Time & End Date/Time

  • Start: Set the start time for when you would like the story to appear on your site. You can set it for immediately or a date in the future. This is an easy way to post recurring items automatically
    End: This tells your site when to stop showing that particular story on your homepage. This way you can automatically take down outdated content. **Note: You must check the box labeled "Expires" to activate the "End Date/Time" function



Make sure to check the "Public can view" box under permissions.


Click the Add Stories button at the bottom of the page, and you're done!


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