Hello Tendenci Admins/Developers.
This guide assumes that you are using a VirtualEnvWrapper. At the end of this guide you will have a new user login with admin access to your tendenci site without need for an admin to create one for you.
This is a quick guide showing you how to create a superuser from the command line.
You need root level access to the server that your tendenci site is installed on.
First, log in to the tendenci server.
ssh root@tendenci-site.com
(This command my not work on your specific linux distribution you may need to log in as another user and issue the 'sudo -i' command to act as the root user)
While logged into the server, you can list the available VirtualEnv's by issuing the 'workon' command.
root@tendenci-site:~# workon
This example list shows the 'tendenci-site' VirtualEnv. Issue this command to enter the VirtualEnv
root@tendenci-site:~# workon tendenci-site
Notice now the VirtualEnv name in parenthesis before the command prompt. You can now enter the site home directory (/var/www/tendenci-site in this case).
(tendenci-site)root@tendenci-site:~# cd /var/www/tendenci-site
While in this directory you are now able to issue the command that will create a superuser.
(tendenci-site)root@tendenci-site:/var/www/tendenci-site# python manage.py createsuperuser
Follow the on-screen prompts and at this point, you should have a new superuser on your site!