Martin Luther King Jr. hand out in front of the crowd

On this day, on Martin Luther King day, we honor the brilliance, the intellect and the knowledge of Dr. Martin Luther King . This is what a great American looks like

This help file explains the different features included with Tendenci's Events Module to help you manage your event registration process and communicate with your event registrants before and after your events.  

Prior to Accepting Online Registration

Before you create an event that will accept online registrations, you'll want to first read our help file on your site's Events Module settings and verify your site settings with your organization's event registration process.  

Then, you'll want to add your event to your event calendar. If you need help with adding events, check out our Help File on Adding Events

Enable Event Registration

When you are creating your event, you'll have a section on the Add Event form titled "Registration".  (See screenshot below) This is where you'll enable registration for your event and then determine the total number of registrants allowed, payment method(s) if you are charging for your event, and either enable or disable the following settings: required payment, require guests info, and discount eligible.



Registration Limit 

The maximum number of registrants. Use 0 for unlimited registrants.

Payment Method 

Select the payment method for the event: Credit Card, Cash, Online Payment, or Check.

Required Payment

This setting determines if registrants must confirm payment in order to be registered for the event. When enabled, (box is checked), visitors registering for an event must complete a payment transaction through the website in order to complete registration. If you are going to accept offline payments via check and cash for your event, then you should not enable this setting.  

External payment link 

A third-party payment link. If specified, online payment will be redirected to it.

Require Guests Info

Event editors can specify whether or not guests info is required. Check Require Guests Info if you’d like your registrants' guests’ information on the event roster as well.  

Discount Eligible

Enable this setting if you plan to use Discount Codes for this event.


Pricing Registration Limit 

Registration caps per Event pricing level:

Registration Cap


Manage Event Registrations

Once people are registering for your event, you'll be able to view the total number of registrants and the number of open spots still available for your event on the event list page:  

Event List Module

To reach the Event List page, just go to the Event Module, then open the drop down tab on the admin menu tab select Events->Events List.

Navigating to Event Registrant Tools 

To find more information about your event's attendees, navigate up to the Events dropdown tab to reveal the event's options for your event and look for Search Registrants, E-mail Registrants, and Roster Report.



You'll first need to go to the event page for the specific event that you want to view registrants information on. If you know the event's URL, you can type it in your browser. Alternatively, you can navigate to your Event Calendar and search for the event by the date of the event and click on the event link. This will take you to the event's page. 

When you mouse over the "Events" tab, a menu will dropdown with several options for managing your event, and you'll find the section for managing your registrants for the event on the right hand side of the two column menu, beneath "Clone Event" and above "Delete Event". 

These options are detailed more below, and here's a short description of each option: 

Search Registrants - this is where you'd go to find and make changes to an individual registrant. 

E-mail Registrants - click to go to a form where you can select to email all registrants or email just paid or unpaid registrants and send updates about your event. 

Roster Report - each event automatically generates a full roster that is print-ready and includes the information your team needs to check-in registrants at the event and track who attended and who didn't. 


Clicking on "search registrants" will take you to a page where you can search for specific attendees, view the number of active registrations, and see the number of canceled registrations.  You can click to view active and canceled individual registrants and access other information related to registrants including their profiles if they are registered site users and invoices for the event. 

Event Search Registrant List

The Event Registrant Search page also gives you quick filters to search by Active and Cancelled registrants so you can quickly see real-time updates for important registrant changes located on the left side of the registrants. 

If youd like to have a more detailed view on a registrant, just click on "View Registration" next to the registrants name. 

Event Registrant Profile


You can also manually cancel registrations by clicking on "Cancel Registration" next to the registrants name. If various attendees are under the same registration it will cancel all attendees under that registration. You can see this in the image below:

Event Search Registrants Cancel


Roster Report

Click on "Roster Report" to see the event roster that you can use to filter, search and sort your event registrants. You can also view important details at a glance in the Roster such as who's paid and who has an outstanding balance, guests of registrants details, any special comments, and more. 


The Event Roster is designed so you can easily print it and share it with everyone involved in planning the event. You can export your roster into a .csv file for sharing with event planners, and caterers, and importing into your financial software or other business management software by clicking on "Export Non-Paid and Paid Registrants (one file)" underneath the event title. 

From the roster, you can sort by attendee's first name, last name, or company name in either ascending or descending order (by alphabet). 

Event Roster filters

Scroll to the bottom of your Roster and you will see the total number of paid and non-paid registrants and you can sort the roster to show all, only those who have paid, or only non-paid registrants.

Event Roster summary

The Roster Report includes information about each of your registrants, including any guests they've registered to help you plan for the event and manage your financials related to each event.

This includes contact information, membership ID if member, amount of invoice total, amount of individual ticket, and balance remaining.  You will also find any comments the registrant included and a note for who else registered on the same invoice for multiple-guest registrations. 

Event Roster Registrant Info.png

The Roster also has an "Attend" field that you can check online to note who's attended or print the Roster and check-in people on the printed list. After the event, you can record the attendance on your website and track who's attending events and who's registering but didn't make it out. 


E-mail Registrants

Tendenci's events module includes an internal notification system that enables you to send emails to your event registrants.  When you select to email your registrants, you will go to the events email template page where you can customize your email, and select to send to all registrants, paid registrants, or not paid registrants.

Event Email Registrant

Some of the ways you might use this feature include:

  1. Emailing registrants a reminder of the event
  2. Email unpaid registrants of their balance due
  3. Email registrants after the event, thanking them for attending
  4. Auto-reminders  

Additional Registration Features

Here are some additional ways that you can manage event registrations and things to know about Tendenci's Events registration process: 

1) People can register multiple registrants with different prices on the same invoice.  The invoice total will include everyone who registered together and the roster report and invoice details will break down the pricing per individual attendee. 

2) Site administrators (super users) can control how people register for events by changing the setting “Anonymous Event Registration” on your Events Module Settings.  There are 3 options for this setting: open, validated, and strict.

** The default value is for sites that went live prior to July 9th, 2012 is set to strict.  The default value for all sites created after July 9th, 2012 is set to Open. **

  1. Open – Allows people registering for events to choose any price for themselves and their guests.
  2. Validated – Allows people to see all prices when registering, requires a valid site user email address for each price to check that they qualify. They do not have to be logged in, and they can register guests using the guests’ email addresses.
  3. Strict – Allows people to see all prices when registering, requires the user to log in, and a valid site user email address for each price to check that they qualify. They can register guests using the guests’ email addresses.

3) Members can enter their member IDs for the member-only price when they register for an event instead of logging in.

5) Admins (super users) can override a price with a different price for different registrants when registering multiple people on the same invoice.  You must be logged in as a super user to perform this function.

6) Discount code can be applied (if applicable) to each individual registrant when multiple people register on one form. For more information on discounts click here.


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