Martin Luther King Jr. hand out in front of the crowd

On this day, on Martin Luther King day, we honor the brilliance, the intellect and the knowledge of Dr. Martin Luther King . This is what a great American looks like

This help-file seeks to provide some examples of how Tendenci's Membership Renewal Notices saves you time on managing your constituents when encouraging them to renew on a regular basis for near expiration or past expiration memberships.

How To Access Member Notices

Member Notices is located within the Memberships Module admin backend dashboard. The app provides options to set-up and customize auto responder emails to your members.

Apps>Admin>Admin Backend> Memberships Application>Notices

Member Notices for Membership Renewal Screenshot

Access Corporate Membership Notices

If you are utilizing Corporate Membership, you can also set up notifications that will go out to the corporate membership representative. Corporate Member Notices are located within the Corporate Memberships Module admin backend dashboard.

Screenshot of Tendenci Corporate Memberships  

Customize Your Tendenci Membership Notices 

No need to worry if you don't have any pre-designed membership renewal notices on your Tendenci site because here are the steps to take to create one! It's really simple to do if you follow these steps. 

1) Navigate to Membership Application in your admin backend and select 'Notice'. Select the notice you want to edit or click on '+New Notice'. 

2) From the 'Change/Add New Notice' form, you'll configure the Name of the Notice When to Send the Notice, and the Membership Type(s) that will receive the Notice. 


You can set the date of a new notice based on the date that each Member joined your Association.

The "When to Send" date that you configure for each Notice will determine when the email notification is sent to each member. You'll use Notices to set up personalized email auto-responders to your members to remind them of important renewal dates and membership benefits. In addition to the ability to customize the Notices by membership type, you can also customize the Notices based on a Member's

* Join date - Send a Welcome Notice to each member who joins that's personalized to them, but still from a template that includes all of the key new member resources and links. 

* Renewal date - Send reminders at a pre-set schedule like an email reminder to renew on a 90/60/30 day schedule with incentives for renewing before their membership renewal options expire. 

* Approval date - Send a welcome email after their membership has been approved to thank them for the effort they put into applying. 

* Disapproval date - Save time and ease the burden your staff faces when having to reject an applicant by creating a template notice that is automatically sent upon denial of an application. 

3) After you've configured when the Notice will be sent and selected the Membership Type to send the Notice to, you'll create the Email Fields for the Notice. These fields include:


* Subject Line - This is the subject line that will be shown in the email recipient's inbox and you can use the custom Tokens in the subject line to personalize the message. We'll show you some examples below. 

* Content Type -  select either HTML or Plain Text from the dropdown menu. Plain Text emails will not send any graphics or custom styles, so be sure to select the type that best matches your email content. 

* Sender - This is the email address that you want to have replies sent to. 

* Sender display - Customize the name and/or email address that your recipients view - this can be anything you'd like but we recommend it is something that matches your association's brand to avoid confusing your members. 

* Email content - This is a rich text (WYSIWYG) editor field where you can style your email message with custom fonts, colors, and graphics, if you select to send an HTML email. You can also use the Tokens to personalize the message with individual member data. 

Tokens Add Personalization

You'll find a list of Tokens listed on the Notice form beneath the email content that explains how to add special fields into your messages that Tendenci will replace with a specific member data set. For example, you can type: "Hi, {{ first_name }}! It's time for you to renew your membership, which will expire on {{ expireationdatetime }}. Click here to renew: {{ renewlink }}

The labels inside of the {{  }} and the {{  }} will be replaced with custom information so your member Bob will see an email that's more personalized:  "Hi, Bob! It's time for you to renew your membership, which will expire on March 1st, 2013. Click here to renew:" 

You can use tokens to display member info or site-specific information. A token is composed of a field label or labels lower case with an underscore (_) instead of spaces, wrapped in {{ }} or [ ].  For example, token for "First Name" field: {{ first_name }}

Some of the tokens will be specific to your site, such as discount codes. 

Example Tokens

Here are some example tokens, look at the list of tokens on your Member Notices forms to find the tokens available for your Tendenci website.  

Individual Membership Tokens:

  • {{ first_name }}
  • {{ last_name }}
  • {{ email }}
  • {{ membership_type }}
  • {{ payment_method }}
  • {{ event_discount_codeword }}
  • {{ membernumber }}
  • {{ membershiptype }}
  • {{ membershiplink }}
  • {{ renewlink }}
  • {{ expirationdatetime }}
  • {{ sitecontactname }}
  • {{ sitecontactemail }}
  • {{ sitedisplayname }}
  • {{ timesubmitted }}
  • {{ member_number }}
  • {{ membership_type }}
  • {{ membership_link }}
  • {{ referer_url }}
  • {{ renew_link }}
  • {{ expire_dt }}
Corporate Membership Tokens:
  • {{ name }} - (for Company Name)
  • {{ address }} - (for Address)
  • {{ address2 }} - (for Address2)
  • {{ city }} - (for City)
  • {{ state }} - (for State)
  • {{ zip }} - (for Zip Code)
  • {{ country }} - (for Country)
  • {{ phone }} - (for Phone)
  • {{ email }} - (for Email)
  • {{ url }} - (for URL)
  • {{ number_employees }} - (for Number Employees)
  • {{ corporate_membership_type }} - (for Membership Type)
  • {{ authorized_domain }} - (for Authorized Domain)
  • {{ secret_code }} - (for Secret Code)
  • {{ payment_method }} - (for Payment Method)
  • {{ admin_notes }} - (for Admin Notes)
  • {{ expiration_dt }} - (for Expiration Date)
  • {{ status_detail }} - (for Status Detail)
  • {{ site_contact_name }}
  • {{ site_contact_email }}
  • {{ site_display_name }}
  • {{ time_submitted }}
  • {{ view_link }}
  • {{ renew_link }}
  • {{ rep_first_name }}
  • {{ total_individuals_renewed }}
  • {{ renewed_individuals_list }}
  • {{ invoice_link }}
  • {{ individuals_join_url }}
  • {{ anonymous_join_login_info }}
  • {{ authentication_info }}

Remember to save your notices when you're done creating them. The notices will automatically be sent to Members according to the 'When to Send' date you've specified. 

Example Templates

Here are a few examples of Email Templates with the 'When to Send' options as well as the Subject Line and Email Content so you can see how tokens are used in the email messages. 

Membership Join Auto Responder

WHEN TO SEND: This is an example of an autoresponse to thank new membership applicants. 



Membership Application for {{ first_name }} {{ last_name }}


Thank you for applying for membership with {{ sitedisplayname }}. The details of your membership follow:

Name: {{ first_name }} {{ last_name }}
Email: {{ email }}

The following membership number was assigned to you: 
Member Number: {{ membernumber }}


{{ sitecontactname }}
{{ sitecontactemail }}
{{ sitedisplayname }}
Time submitted: {{ timesubmitted }} 

Membership Renewal Auto Responder

WHEN TO SEND: This is an example of an autoresponse to thank members when they renew their membership. 



{{ first_name }}, Thank you for renewing your membership with {{ sitedisplayname }}


 Thank you for renewing membership with {{ sitedisplayname }}. We appreciate your membership and look forward to seeing you at upcoming membership events!

Here are the some important details about your membership: 

Name: {{ first_name }} {{ last_name }}
Email: {{ email }}

The following membership number was assigned to you: 
Member Number: {{ membernumber }}

Keep this number handy because you'll need it when you register for events on our website and to access other members-only benefits. 


{{ sitecontactname }}
{{ sitecontactemail }}
{{ sitedisplayname }}
Time submitted: {{ timesubmitted }}

Membership Renewal Reminder 30 Days before Expiration

WHEN TO SEND: This is an example of an autoresponse to remind members of an upcoming expiration date and inviting them to renew beforehand.



Hi {{ first_name }}, Here's a little Reminder your Membership is expiring soon... 


Greetings {{ first_name }}:

Your membership with {{ sitedisplayname }} will expire in 30 days

To renew your membership go to {{ renewlink }}

To view the details of your membership go to {{ membershiplink }}

Membership Renewal Reminder from: {{ sitedisplayname }}


{{ sitecontactname }}
{{ sitecontactemail }}
{{ sitedisplayname }}
Time submitted: {{ timesubmitted }}

Learn more about how to connect with your site visitors, donors and members by sending them informative and consistently branded e-newsletters with Email Marketing!





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