Hey Tendenci users, did you know your website contains valuable data about your online community? Tendenci Reports are built to provide insight into that data - about the users, content, and activities happening on your site. Below you'll find a description of some use-cases for each report in your database!
Membership Overview
- Overview - Get a bird's eye view of your organization's membership types and statuses. Find out how many of each type of membership is active or expired, how many are pending renewal - percent by status and percent by type in pie charts, and even a list view depicting real-time statistics. Nothing is easier on the eye and more deliverable to a Board of Directors better than graphical breakdowns of paid memberships.
- Active, Pending, Expired by Type - The statistics. See how many of each type of membership are active, expired, or pending, with links to access a list of each of those types in your admin backend, where you can make bulk edits, search, filter, and more.
- Member List - Get an alphabetized downloadable "quick" list of every active individual member and delegate of an organization in your database.
- Members by Company - This is a list of every organizational membership, alphabetized by company name, and how many members are under each organization. Each company has a clickable link to a directory of all individuals under that organizational membership so you have access to a quick employee roster with contact information!
- All Membership Reports - do you need to access all things member-related? This is your go-to dashboard link! Access:
- Current Member quick lists
- Membership trends over time to see what's working and what isn't for your organization.
- Memberships that have expired, are pending, or are in the renewal period - very important that you can reach out to these people to sustain your membership database and receive helpful member feedback.
- Financials - see all membership invoices, who has donated upon renewal to give a special thanks!
- User reporting - see how non-members are using your website for more insight on how to convert site users to members and more.
- Membership and User Management Tools - import and export users and members, merge similar user accounts to avoid duplicity and more in this section.
Membership Data
- Active Memberships - a downloadable list of all active individual members and organization delegates with details such as username, full name, membership type, join date, expiration date, and links to their invoices. This list contains the options to sort by ascending or descending for each category, and to filter by join date.
- Pending Memberships - a list linked directly to pending members in your admin backend, for easy access to bulk edit, approve, search, filter, and more.
- Renewed Members - a downloadable list of all Members who have recently renewed. Find information for each member such as username, full name, email, join date, expiry date, and invoices. Search by renewal in the last 30, 60, 90, and 180 days or within the last 1 or 5 years.
- Expired Members - a downloadable list of all Members who have recently expired. Find information for each member such as username, full name, email, join date, expiry date, and invoices. Search by renewal in the last 30, 60, 90, and 180 days or within the last 1 or 5 years.
- Memberships in Renewal Period - see all Members who are within their renewal period - reach out to maintain your relationship and stay in front of your members!
- Memberships in Grace Period - see all Members who have expired but are still within their grace period and can use membership benefits. Though staying in front of your members throughout their time with your organization is important, this is a very important time to remind them how they benefit from your organization's membership!
- Membership Import - Who has time to enter in data for hundreds of members, if not more? Bulk import a CSV file of members into your database using the import feature. The template to follow for importing with required fields can be found here.
- Membership Export - Export all members and their information as well.
- Corporate Membership Overview - the same as for your individual membership overview, but for your organizational memberships. Obtain a piechart view of your organization's corporate membership types and their statuses. Find out how many of each types of corporate memberships are active or expired, how many are pending renewal - percent by status and percent by type in pie charts, and even a list view depicting real-time statistics.
- Corporate Members List - a link to all of your corporate members in the admin backend containing links to edit and view, company profile name, status, join, renew, and expiration dates, a roster of associated individuals, and links to invoices. Search, make bulk edits to approve or delete selected organization memberships and search by one of many available search criteria.
Invoice Reports Overview
Metrics Overview Report is a great way to review your key metrics and compare them to prior years.
Events Financial Reports
Tendenci's Events Financial Reports help build trust and transparency by showing how funds are used. They make it easy to track event success, plan better for the future, and ensure accountability to your community.
Obtain a detail breakdown of your financials now with the new search filter "Event Type' now on new version bump Tendenci 15.3.1!