πŸŽ„πŸΎ We’ll be spending time with our families from December 24th to January 1st. Wishing you a joyous, safe, and peaceful holiday season, and we look forward to embracing a bright New Year together! β˜ƒοΈ Much love from the TendenciDEV Team πŸΎπŸŽ„

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Django Filters

Filters allow you to modify the output of a field. Filters can be added with a pipe at the end of a field and then the filter name with an optional colon and arguments.

articles.release_dt|date:"M d, Y"

Filters can be linked like |escape|truncatewords:30. See Django Filters Docs for the full list.

  • date - specify the date output.
  • safe - Print out actual HTML instead of the elements.
  • truncatewords - Only print a certain number or words
  • urlize - Converts a link to an anchor link

Common Arguments

Arguments allow you to modify the list of items that comes back. They are optional but are used often for most content lists. For instance, you may only want to show 4, or you might want them ordered a certain way. Arguments are added at the end of the first line of the template tag like such:

{% list articles as articles limit=5 tags="featured" q="tendenci" order="release_dt" %}

The arguments below are used on all template tags:

  • user= searches based on permissions of the logged in user. The default is a logged out (anonymous) user.
  • limit= limits the number of items in the list. The default is 3.
  • tags= seaches based on the tags on the items. Note, some apps do not use tags.
  • q= searches as a search term for a full text search of the items

These arguments are currently used on select apps only:

  • order= lets you select the order of the items
  • random pulls a random group of items. You do not need to pass an addition value (like random=something) as random works on it's own.

Arguments work together, so if you have tags="featured" and limit=100, you may not get 100 items if there are not that many tagged with "featured". Random will pull from the possible total and cutoff at the limit. If there were 20 items tagged "featured", the limit was 5, and random was used, then 5 of the 20 items would be returned in a random order.


Template tag:

{% list_articles as articles_list user=user limit=3 %}
    {% for article in articles_list %}
        {{ article.FIELDNAME }}
    {% endfor %}


Fieldnames used in the template tag as {{ article.FIELDNAME }}

  • slug the slug for the article
  • headline the title of the article
  • summary the summary of the article
  • body the full body of the article
  • source the source URL for the article
  • website the link to the website for the article (not the slug)
  • release_dt the published date of the article

HTML code example

{% list_articles as articles %}
    {% for article in articles %}
        <h2><a href="{{ article.get_absolute_url }}">{{ article.headline }}</a></h2>
        <span class="date">{{ article.release_dt }}</span>
        <div class="article summary">{{ article.summary }}</div>
    {% endfor %}


Template tag:

{% list_jobs as jobs_list %}
    {% for job in jobs_list %}
        {{ job.FIELDNAME }}
    {% endfor %}


Fieldnames used in the template tag as {{ job.FIELDNAME }}

  • slug the slug for the job
  • title the title of the job
  • description the summary of the job
  • location the location of the job
  • post_dt the date of the job post listing

HTML code example

{% list_jobs as jobs_list limit=3 %}
    {% for job in jobs_list %}
        <h2><a href="{{ job.get_absolute_url }}">{{ job.title }}</a></h2>
        <span class="date">{{ job.post_dt }}</span>
        <div class="job summary">{{ job.description|truncatewords_html:"12" }}</div>
    {% endfor %}


Template tag:

{% list_events as events_list %}
    {% for event in events_list %}
        {{ event.FIELDNAME }}
    {% endfor %}


Fieldnames used in the template tag as {{ event.FIELDNAME }}

  • guid the ID for the event (useful for the link)
  • title the title of the event
  • description the description of the event
  • start_dt the start time of the event
  • end_dt the end time of the event

Foreign fields

The foreign fields come from separate tables, so they are used as {{ event.FOREIGNFIELD.FOREIGNFIELDNAME }}

  • place.name the name of the location
  • place.url the url of the location
  • type.name the name of the event type
  • type.slug the slug for a link to the event type
  • registration_configuration.enabled boolean if the event has registration

HTML code example

{% list_events as events_list limit=3 %}
    {% for event in events_list %}
        <h2><a href="{{ event.get_absolute_url }}">{{ event.title }}</a></h2>
        <div class="event desc">{{ event.description}}</div>
        <span class="event-location">{{ event.place.name }}</span>
        <span class="event-type"><a href="{{ url event.type }}">{{ event.type.name }}</a></span>
    {% endfor %}


Template tag:

{% list_photos as photos_list %}
    {% for photo in photos_list %}
        {{ photo.FIELDNAME }}
    {% endfor %}


Fieldnames used in the template tag as {{ photo.FIELDNAME }}

  • guid the id for the photo (for the slug)
  • title the title of the photo
  • caption the caption of the photo
  • tags the photo's tags
  • get_thumbnail_url the local url to the photo - 100x75 crop
  • get_small_crop_url the local url to the photo - 100x75 crop
  • get_display_url the local url to the photo - 500x275 no crop
  • get_large_url the local url to the photo - 500x500 no crop

HTML code example

{% list_photos as photos_list limit=6 %}
    {% for photo in photos_list %}
        <a href="{{ photo.get_absolute_url }}"><img src="{% photo_image_url photo size=80x120 crop=True %}" /></a>
        <span class="photo-title"><a href="{{ photo.get_absolute_url }}">{{ photo.title }}</a></span>
    {% endfor %}


Template tag:

{% list_stories as stories_list %}
    {% for story in stories_list %}
        {{ story.FIELDNAME }}
    {% endfor %}


Fieldnames used in the template tag as {{ story.FIELDNAME }}

  • full_story_link the slug for the story link
  • title the title of the story
  • content the content of the story
  • photo.url the url to the photo for the story

HTML code example

{% list_stories as stories_list limit=3 %}
    {% for story in stories_list %}
        <img src="{{ story.photo.url }}" alt="{{ story.title }}" />
        <h2><a href="{{ story.full_story_link }}">{{ story.title }}</a></h2>
        <div class="story summary">{{ story.content }}</div>
        <span class="read-more"><a href="{{ story.full_story_link }}">Read More</a></span>
    {% endfor %}

Help Files

Template tag:

{% list_helpfiles as help_files %}
    {% for help_file in help_files %}
        {{ help_file.FIELDNAME }}
    {% endfor %}


Fieldnames used in the template tag as {{ help_file.FIELDNAME }}

  • question the question to the help file
  • answer the answer to the help file
  • level the level (e.g. basic, intermediate, advanced, expert)

HTML code example

{% list_helpfiles as help_files limit=3 %}
    {% for help_file in help_files %}
    <p>{{ help_file.qustion }}</p>
    {% endfor %}

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