Martin Luther King Jr. hand out in front of the crowd

On this day, on Martin Luther King day, we honor the brilliance, the intellect and the knowledge of Dr. Martin Luther King . This is what a great American looks like

This Help File is going to show you how to selectively provide access for your users and members to add, edit, or delete content at a site-wide level. You can learn more about using Tendenci's Content-Specific Permissions settings to provide selective access to specific pieces of content on your website in another Help File: Using Tendenci's Content-Specific Permissions.

One of the most valuable features included in Tendenci is the granular level permission settings that enable Tendenci website superusers to control what site users can add, change, delete, and view on your Tendenci website.

In fact, Tendenci has over 1,000 different permissions settings to provide this level of access control.  This help file will explain how to customize your Tendenci website's user, user groups, and member permission settings so that you can provide selective access to content and areas of your website to your users, securely.

Finding Permissions Settings

Tendenci's permissions can be set at a member or user groups level and also at an individual user level.  

Go to Community from your Superuser top bar navigation menu and select Members to edit the permissions and user groups of individual members. Under Community, you also have the option to select Groups to add/edit your groups and their permissions. 

Community Superuser Drop Down Mega Manu

It is easy to create groups under the Options menu. Add your members with specific permissions to that group. You can also add yourself to the group.

The groups you create appear as user groups options under each user or member profile in the Options menu when selecting "edit groups".


Again, on the lower right section of each user or member is an Options menu, and clicking on that will pop up a menu with Permissions as an option, also to edit user groups under "edit groups".

Edit Permissions in User Profile Tendenci Help File Screenshot 

Standard Permission Settings with Django User System

Tendenci's content management software (CMS) comes built-in with standard permission settings in a 3-tier structure: User, Staff, and Superuser. You can adjust the level of access an individual has on their user profile edit view inside section (J) for Superusers: 

3-Tier Structure Admin Permissions Tendenci Help-file  Screenshot


Superusers The most powerful user with permissions to create, read, update and delete data in the Django admin, which includes model records and other users.

Staff A user marked as staff can access the Django admin. But permissions to create, read, update and delete data in the Django admin must be given explicitly to a user. By default, a superuser is marked as staff.

Users (active) have limited ability to add, change, or delete any website content. All users are marked as active if they're in good standing. Users marked as inactive aren't able to authenticate themselves, a common state if there's a pending post-registration step (e.g. confirm email) or a user is banned and you don't want to delete his data.

Here is the general list of what your site Users and Members can and cannot do on your website without any permission settings customization: 

Users/Members Can Do: Users/Members Can't Do:
add personal profile avatar add, edit or delete content
edit personal profile view or search private users
view events add, edit or delete events
export events to their calendar  
search/view/download files   
add a resume  
add a job posting  
search locations  
view public superusers and users  

Tendenci is built on the Django Framework. Read What You Need to Know to Manage Users in Django Admin 

Using the Permission Settings

Add/Remove Permissions Tendenci Django Framework Help File Screenshot

When you select Permissions from the User or Group Options menu, you will be directed to a page with all of the available permission settings.  The permission settings are displayed in 3 columns: 

Column 1 is the Content-Type or Module related to the permission settings. 

Column 2 is the content field within the Module or Content-Type.

Column 3 is the actual action (permission) to do something to the content.

In the image above, Column 1 is displaying permission settings for an event that you would add to your event calendar.  Column 2 shows the different fields that you find on the "Add a New Event" Page, and Column 3 are the different actions you and site users could change, add, or delete related to individual Events.  

Here is a screenshot for a new Event to show you how the permission settings relate to using on your Tendenci website: 


In this example for Events, you may want to allow corporate members of your organization to Add Events to your Tendenci website Event Calendar.  You would navigate to your corporate membership group and change the permission settings to allow corporate members to add events.  

You can be as selective as you would like with permission controls, and in our Event example, you would select the events | event | can add an event to allow your corporate members to add new events to the calendar: 


This would allow your members to add new events, but not allow them to delete or change existing events.

Add additional control by allowing members only to add, change, or delete speakers to an existing event or change existing events without being able to add new events or delete an event: 


Using Tendenci's permission settings, you can securely provide customized access for your site users based on groups, membership types, and individual users.  

Permission Settings Defined

Here are the most commonly used Tendenci permission settings with definitions.  There are a number of permission settings that you will most likely never use and we have left those out.  Also, we are constantly updating and adding new features to Tendenci and sometimes those include new permission settings that you may not see here.  We are happy to help answer specific questions if you email our support team:

Content Module Content Type Permission Action
articles article Can add article
articles article Can change article
articles article Can delete article
articles article Can view article
auth group Can add group
auth group Can change group
auth group Can delete group
auth user Can add user
auth user Can change user
auth user Can delete user
avatar avatar Can add avatar
avatar avatar Can change avatar
avatar avatar Can delete avatar
campaign_monitor template Can add template
campaign_monitor template Can change template
campaign_monitor template Can delete template
campaign_monitor template Can view template
campaign_monitor campaign Can add campaign
campaign_monitor campaign Can change campaign
campaign_monitor campaign Can delete campaign
campaign_monitor campaign Can view campaign
corporate_memberships corporate membership type Can add corporate membership type
corporate_memberships corporate membership type Can change corporate membership type
corporate_memberships corporate membership type Can delete corporate membership type
corporate_memberships Corporate Membership Can add Corporate Membership
corporate_memberships Corporate Membership Can change Corporate Membership
corporate_memberships Corporate Membership Can delete Corporate Membership
corporate_memberships Corporate Membership Can view corporate membership
corporate_memberships Corporate Membership Application Can add Corporate Membership Application
corporate_memberships Corporate Membership Application Can change Corporate Membership Application
corporate_memberships Corporate Membership Application Can delete Corporate Membership Application
corporate_memberships Corporate Membership Application Can view corporate membership application
directories directory Can add directory
directories directory Can change directory
directories directory Can delete directory
directories directory Can view directory
directories directory pricing Can add directory pricing
directories directory pricing Can change directory pricing
directories directory pricing Can delete directory pricing
directories directory pricing Can view directory pricing
directories directory pricing Can view directory pricing
discounts discount Can add discount
discounts discount Can change discount
discounts discount Can delete discount
discounts discount Can view discount
events type Can add type
events type Can change type
events type Can delete type
events place Can add place
events place Can change place
events place Can delete place
events registrant Can add registrant
events registrant Can change registrant
events registrant Can delete registrant
events registrant Can view registrant
events speaker Can add speaker
events speaker Can change speaker
events speaker Can delete speaker
events event Can add event
events event Can change event
events event Can delete event
events event Can view event
events event photo Can add event photo
events event photo Can change event photo
events event photo Can delete event photo
files file Can add file
files file Can change file
files file Can delete file
files file Can view file
forms Form Can add Form
forms Form Can change Form
forms Form Can delete Form
forms Form Can view form
jobs job Can add job
jobs job Can change job
jobs job Can delete job
jobs job Can view job
jobs job pricing Can add job pricing
jobs job pricing Can change job pricing
jobs job pricing Can delete job pricing
jobs job pricing Can view job pricing
locations location Can add location
locations location Can change location
locations location Can delete location
locations location Can view location
locations distance Can add distance
locations distance Can change distance
locations distance Can delete distance
memberships Membership Type Can add Membership Type
memberships Membership Type Can change Membership Type
memberships Membership Type Can delete Membership Type
memberships Membership Type Can view membership type
memberships Membership Can add Membership
memberships Membership Can change Membership
memberships Membership Can delete Membership
memberships Membership Can view membership
memberships Membership Application Can add Membership Application
memberships Membership Application Can change Membership Application
memberships Membership Application Can delete Membership Application
memberships Membership Application Can view membership application
news news Can add news
news news Can change news
news news Can delete news
news news Can view news
pages page Can add page
pages page Can change page
pages page Can delete page
pages page Can view page
photologue gallery Can add gallery
photologue gallery Can change gallery
photologue gallery Can delete gallery
photologue gallery upload Can add gallery upload
photologue gallery upload Can change gallery upload
photologue gallery upload Can delete gallery upload
photologue photo Can add photo
photologue photo Can change photo
photologue photo Can delete photo
photos photo set Can add photo set
photos photo set Can change photo set
photos photo set Can delete photo set
photos photo set Can view photoset
photos image Can add image
photos image Can change image
photos image Can delete image
photos image Can view image
photos license Can add license
photos license Can change license
photos license Can delete license
profiles profile Can add profile
profiles profile Can change profile
profiles profile Can delete profile
profiles profile Can view profile
redirects redirect Can add redirect
redirects redirect Can change redirect
redirects redirect Can delete redirect
resumes resume Can add resume
resumes resume Can change resume
resumes resume Can delete resume
resumes resume Can view resume
site_settings setting Can add setting
site_settings setting Can change setting
site_settings setting Can delete setting
stories story Can add story
stories story Can change story
stories story Can delete story
stories story Can view story
stories story photo Can add story photo
stories story photo Can change story photo
stories story photo Can delete story photo
tagging tag Can add tag
tagging tag Can change tag
tagging tag Can delete tag
tagging tagged item Can add tagged item
tagging tagged item Can change tagged item
tagging tagged item Can delete tagged item
theme_editor theme archive Can add theme archive
theme_editor theme archive Can change theme archive
theme_editor theme archive Can delete theme archive
theme_editor theme archive Can view theme version
user_groups User Group Can add User Group
user_groups User Group Can change User Group
user_groups User Group Can delete User Group
user_groups User Group Can view group
user_groups Group Membership Can add Group Membership
user_groups Group Membership Can change Group Membership
user_groups Group Membership Can delete Group Membership

Download the full list of Permissions as a PDF.

Did this answer your question? If not, please contact our support team for more information.

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