Why do the default email auto-replies not include the member number? Unfortunately, we have clients incorrectly use private information for member numbers. Many schools use social security numbers for example. They should NOT, but they do. We can't stop this from happening when custom forms are out there. It is important to remember that Tendenci software is security and privacy first and we take that very seriously.
Thus the default templates for notifications do not include the member number. In fact, email notifications submitted by non-confirmed/approved submitters should not contain any input submitted by the user. This is because they will enter information like:
First Name: <script - bad stuff here>
Last Name: www . bad web site here . com
That would auto-reply to whoever got on the spammers email list from your web site using your email address and they could write a script to loop through it. One more reason we enable Captcha by default and that email auto-responses for anonymous submitted forms shouldn't auto-reply.
Please check out Tendenci Policies and Guidelines for Sending Email Newsletters.